David Fermers Lyric Lane
„Wonderful Life“ von Hurts
10. September 2010
Aktuelle Hits
(Filme) zu verstehen ist oft nicht ganz leicht. Gut, wenn ein Engländer erklärt, worum es dabei eigentlich geht. David Fermer erzählt auf englisch diesmal - über „Wonderful Life“ von Hurts. Fürs Hörverständnis mit Audio.
From time to time the international music charts are blessed with a song that tells a story. “Wonderful Life“, by the British synthpop band, Hurts, is one of those songs. The first line takes listeners straight into a dramatic situation that could be opening scene of any good book or film: “On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night / Susie meets the man of her dreams.“
The River Severn is the longest river in Great Britain. It flows from the Cambrian Mountains at the heart of Wales to the English city of Bristol and into the Celtic Sea. It is here, on the Severn Bridge, that Hurts' story begins.
And so the dramatic scene is set: A man standing on a bridge, looking down at the river, a woman called Susie who sees him and goes up to him. The story continues: “He says that he got in trouble, and if she doesn't mind / he doesn't want the company“. In other words, he wants to be alone. Although Theo Hutchcraft, Hurts' lead singer from Manchester, never says it in the song, it's quite clear that the man on the bridge is planning to jump. As Theo later sings: “the world has got him down on his knees.“ But “Wonderful Life“ is not a sad song about someone who wants to end his life, but a song full of hope and love. As Theo goes on to sing: “But there's something in the air / They share a look in silence, and everything is understood / Susie grabs her man and puts a grip on his hand, as the rain puts a tear in his eye. / She says, ‘Don't let go / Never give up, it's such a wonderful life.“
And so it is that Susie saves the man on the bridge from a terrible disaster. Later in the song, Susie and the man kiss “and suddenly he starts to believe .“ This is the positive message of the song. “He takes her in his arms, and he doesn't know why / but he thinks that he begins to see.“ Like a modern fairy tale, “Wonderful Life“ is a song with a very happy end.
blessed = gesegnet
to get into trouble = in Schwierigkeiten geraten
if she doesn't mind = wenn es ihr nicht ausmacht
company = Gesellschaft
to share a look = einen Blick tauschen
to put a grip on something = etwas festhalten
tear = Träne
to let go = loslassen
to give up = aufgeben
to save = retten
to believe = glauben
Hurts - Wonderful Life (deutsche übersetzung)